Thursday, May 23, 2013

Ethics and Academic Integrity

                Ethics for me are a set of beliefs from which I censor my thinking and action.  Ethics are moral beliefs and help people be at peace with one another. I learned how to be ethical from my mother and father and also from my religion.   I learned at a very early age to not eat meat and to be strictly vegetarian as killing other living things was considered wrong in my religion especially when done for selfish purposes. When I was a bit older, the concept of non-violence was instilled in me by my religion, and this proved to be a long lasting practice that I indeed came to love.  
                Academic integrity is another ethical practice in which students must gain integrity by engendering work that was not made by cheating or through the use of plagiarism. One must work to maintain the code of his or her school and honesty. The following list has some of the things I would consider a breach of Academic integrity.
1.       Giving my friend work that I did so he could finish his on work by rephrasing mine.
a.       Receiving completed work and using it as a work of my own.
2.       Taking someone else’s work and using it in my work without giving the other person any credit.
3.       Paraphrasing the using the high school method of rearranging words.
4.       Using a paper from another student.
5.       Citing something in a paper in the citations page but not having anything in the paper form that source that was cited.

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